Visit to the Rail Museum for Pre primary
The Pre-Primary children got an opportunity to visit the Rail Museum on 3rd November, 2017. It was a pleasant Friday morning and children were filled with anticipation. An outdoor visit with classmates always has a special appeal! The children were attentive, excited and asked many questions during the visit.
The objective of visiting the Rail Museum was to show first hand, the aspects of transportation taught in class. Here they got a fair idea of how the rail system works and how it helps the country.
The Rail Museum is a unique collection of over 100 life size exhibits of train models used over the generations by the Indian Railways. We also saw working models of landmark stations such as the Lucknow Junction, the Chhatrapati Shivaji Junction among others. This was a new addition to the museum and the highlight of the excursion, as the children were enthralled to view fast and slow moving miniature trains traversing a network of tracks.
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During the visit, the teachers explained the benefits of the rail in our country, namely, that it is the main form of transport that economically connects the many remote areas of India with the major towns.
The students were delighted with their ride on the Joy Train! We also walked around the galleries of the museum to view exhibits relating to the railways, as they developed since the inception of the network in India. We also got a chance to see specimens of the signal system, new communication techniques, steam engines, etc and finally the modern technology used in the 21st century.
Museums offer rich resources for supplementing classroom learning. Needless to say this too was an invaluable educational experience.