
Visit to the School eco park for classes 6 and 7

A group of students of classes VI and VII spent a morning at the School Eco Park on 18 February, 2020.

The journey by bus was filled with excitement and happy chatter. The view of farms on the way was very heartwarming. The cool and quiet atmosphere was utterly welcoming as a great relief from the hustle and bustle of the city.

At the venue, the fresh surrounding was a refreshing change. It seemed as if beds of neatly laid tender vegetables, still stuck on their stems, gladly waited for us. The students were delighted to see rows of vegetables of all kinds. Brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, beetroot, radish, sweet potato, mint and coriander-you name it and it was there!

Thereafter, the group was guided around the life-sized interactive science models, specially developed to give a hands-on experience of the basic principles of science. There were the musical tubes, parabolic dishes, a DNA model, reflecting mirrors, the double-ended cone and a crystal structure.

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Students also undertook a real time soil testing activity wherein they were guided to check the nature of the soil using pH paper. Samples were taken from different parts of the park for the activity. Students checked the acidity and basicity (alkalinity) of the soil. They were thrilled to share their results with their teacher.

The farms had many endearing farm animals and birds like the rooster, geese and rabbits. The students spent time watching them and even playing with them. They learned about sowing, manuring, irrigating, pest control and harvesting.

Students walked over to the vegetable beds to pick the produce that was ready. They stuffed plump brinjals and bunches of crisp palak and sarson into their bags and to carry home.

Soon it was time to bid goodbye to the wonderful spot. As the students boarded the bus they continued with their chatter about the experience.

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