
Visit to the WORLD BOOK FAIR, 2015, class 5.

A group of 16 students, 8 each from classes VA and VB were selected to go to the World Book Fair, 2015 at Pragati Maidan for an exciting opportunity to meet author Mr. Kunal Savarkar, who has written India Unlimited, a book about Quizzing. The teacher-in-charge, Ms. Purnima Dwivedi briefed the students about the visit and their meeting with the distinguished author.

We set out for the fair on Friday 20th February. The meeting was scheduled for 11 am. Expectedly, the children were excited and through the journey remained engrossed in an animated discussions on the prospect of meeting someone from the literary world!

We reached Gate No 7 and proceeded towards Hall No 14, the venue for the meeting. We were promptly ushered in by the organisers, Scholastic Inc. It was a big hall which catered to a variety of books by different publishers on different subjects. The children seemed mesmerised by the sight of the vast numbers of books on display in the different stalls. We were taken to the Authors Corner, where Mr. Kunal Savarkar greeted us warmly. Apart from our School, students from Modern School, Barakhamba Road and the Convent of Jesus and Mary were also present for the interaction.


We settled down in a generous enclosure with cameras in place, for recording the event Mr. Savarkar then addressed us. After a brief introduction, he shared how he embarked upon his journey of becoming an author in the area of his passion, namely, quizzing. Also how he became a quiz master himself. His role model was the first quiz master in India, Mr. Siddhartha Basu. Mr. Savarkar has written a series of six books with co-author and schoolmate, Aditya Mubayi.

The author explained that a lot of effort and observation had gone into writing the books. He emphasised on the need to be observant in our daily lives and to gather information form every nook and corner we pass.

I was happy to see that our students stole the show by their level of participation. Their preparation and knowledge on the subject during the session was acknowledged by all present. The author and his wife were both struck by the perseverance and enthusiasm of our students. They personally appreciated and thanked them for the spontaneous interaction which elevated the event. In fact they could not help mentioning that they are yet to come across, such well-informed, cheerful and enthusiastic children!

Sure enough most of the prizes which consisted of books written by the author were taken by the students of our School. A special mention was made for Athravae Vashishta, Anoushka Saxena, Auro Sankalp, Roshan Sanwalani, Shubhanjay, Zunairah, Gauri, Ananya, Shrishti and Gauri.

After this delightful session we all came out of Hall No 14 and waited outside to board the shuttle bus. The children went around and picked up interesting new books from the different stalls.

The following students participated in the workshop.

Class VA: Anushka Saxena, Shubhanjay Srivastava, Ananya Arora, Zunairah Husain, Paakhi Rajpal, Jiya Jawa, Gauri Bahuguna and Shristi Gupta

Class VB: Atharve Vashishta, N. Risha Singh, Roshan Sanwalani, Auro Sankalp, Bhavika Sachdeva, Divyanshu Choudhary, Anoushka Sen Gupta and Khushleen Kaur Bhatia

Report prepared by PURNIMA DWIVEDI