
"Weave a folktale": a storytelling activity for class V

The more you read, the more you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.- Dr Seuss

The students of class V of The Indian School recently participated in a story writing and story telling activity organised as a part of the IDS- International Dimension in Schools, in association with The British Council.

Gauransh Kukreja, Tashika Rao, Paavni Handa, Sarah Bagler, Pehal Sharma, Emilia Ghanbari, Mahim Sahani, Sonakshi Singh, Gaurav Jyoti Bora and Mrigakshi Dhar were the 10 shortlisted students of class V who participated in the activity.

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The activity was conducted between 15 and 20 February 2021 and participants were to compose an original story inspired by some select international folktales. The students were briefed about the activity in a virtual meeting.

The children were divided into five teams and each team was asked to write a part of the story and pass it on to the next team. The young writers were then to compose the final script using illustrations and graphics on a power point presentation.

What followed were several feverish rounds of discussion and brainstorming sessions between team members on the best and most creative ideas! The challenging task given by the teachers was to create an international folktale where the characters are based outside India.

The young Indianites took a week's time to prepare their story. At the presentation, the budding writers narrated their folktale Horsehead, a folktale from South Korea, in the presence of their peers during the online classes. Using the right pitch, voice modulation and pace, all the teams narrated their parts with ease and confidence. To make the storytelling more interactive, the team also added a Q&A round for their classmates.

The exercise was, by all means, arduous. But the team members succeeded in weaving a beautiful tale which had quite a mesmerising effect on the audience.

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