
Webinar for parents and teachers on Cancer Prevention and Clean Yamuna by Dharamshila Cancer Foundation

An online webinar- Cancer Prevention and Clean Yamuna was organised by the Dharamshila Cancer Foundation and Research Centre for the teachers and parents of The Indian School, on 16 January 2021. The session was conducted by Dr. Pragya Singh, Senior Manager, who holds a Ph.D. in Preventive Oncology and is a certified occupational health and safety trainer and an expert in tobacco control.

Dr Pragya Singh commenced the session by sharing finer details about cancer. Her information was aimed at removing all doubts relating to the myth that cancer is incurable. She explained the various stages of the disease and emphasised the importance of a healthy diet.

In the next segment of the webinar, Dr Singh shared a Power Point presentation on how the pollution of River Yamuna is adversely affecting the health of people. She discussed the need for understanding the 5 Rs of waste disposal i.e. Reuse, Recycle, Refuse, Reduce and Repurpose, apart from mentioning the dangers of using microplastics.

Dr Singh highlighted the role of students in creating awareness about pollution and waste management. She urged the parents and teachers to continuously ingrain in the children a special sensitivity for the conservation of the ecosystem. She pointed out the incidents of water scarcity in Delhi and explained that Delhi might be the next city to be declared water dead!

The session ended with Dr Singh answering the queries posed by the attendees.

The webinar proved to be very informative. It helped the attendees gain new knowledge about Cancer prevention including the need to keep away pollution of all kinds.