
Webinar on Challenges of parenting children with Special Needs

A webinar on Challenges of parenting children with Special Needs was conducted by the Centre For Research and Advocacy for Child Rights & Persons with Disability (CRACR & PD) on 21 June, 2020. Dr Poonam Natarajan (Chairperson, National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi), Ms Neena Wagh (Founder and Managing Director at ALAP Trust), Ms Shanti Auluck ( Chairperson of NGO Muskaan), Ms Samrah Mirza (Member DCPCR) and Ms Shweta Verma (Founder at Ginny's Planet Pvt. Ltd and social worker) were the speakers at the webinar. The moderators were Mr Shashank Shekhar (Founding Director at Jus Naturae-Law Offices Pvt. Ltd. (OPC) and Founding Member (CRACR & PD) and Ms Ratna Saxena (Founding Member (CRACR & PD). More than 300 educators from all over the country attended the webinar. Our School counsellor, Ms Jigyasa Khokhar attended the same.

The webinar focused on the requirements of children with special needs, parenting strategies and the struggles of the parents of these children. After the guests were introduced by Ms Saxena, the session started with Dr Natarajan as the first speaker. She mentioned some important points like prioritising the child and his/ her needs, performing activities of daily routine together with every member of the family which in turn improveS the quality of family time, treating all the children in the family equally and thereby enhancing the precious gift of self-esteem amongst the children.

Ms Wagh spoke about her experiences and challenges as the parent of an autistic child. She then mentioned what triggered the idea to create a Facebook page by the name Forum for assisted living solutions: a Social media platform of the ALAP trust. She stated how the Facebook group works for children above 18 years and looks for growth plans according to the strength of the children. She highlighted the fact that a modification of undesirable behaviour was important for all the children.

Ms Auluck emphasised upon doing what was required and necessary for the development of children with special needs. She spoke about the idea of parenting as an experience which builds maturity. Ms Mirza talked about the abilities instead of disabilities of the children. Ms Verma insisted that parents should stop comparing the disability percentage between children. She highlighted the difference between Taking charge and Taking help. She also stated that it would make a great difference if parents and children were taught to acknowledge their differences and diversities. She concluded her speech by talking about her initiative Ginnys Planet.

It was an enriching experience as some of the speakers shared their personal journeys as parents, thereby motivating others. It was overwhelming to meet Ms Aulucks young towards the end of the session.

The session ended on a positive note that Every child can be a source of joy.