
Workshop for teachers on First Aid awareness in emergencies

A workshop on First Aid Awareness in emergencies was conducted by School counsellor, Ms Jigyasa Khokhar on 6 September 2019 in the Audio-Visual room.The workshop was a brief one but nevertheless sought to disseminate important information that can be used by everyone in situations of emergency. The workshop was attended by the teachers of The Indian School.

Ms Khokhar began the workshop by briefing the audience about the need of being aware of the first aid to be given to people in cases of emergency. The agenda of the workshop was to learn about the first aid assistance to be given in the following cases:

1. Choking due to foreign object

2. Difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest

3. Identifying situations where a person suffers from a brain stroke

4. Seizure attacks

In the first case of choking caused due to a foreign object, it was suggested that we must encourage breathing by lifting the persons chin and tilting the head to one side in order to ensure that the trachea does not bend. She described the way to rub the patients back in order to provide the required thrust to expel the foreign object. The method differs with age groups she said.

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She then explained the typical and atypical conditions when the coronary artery gets blocked and also explained the difference between cardiac arrest and heart attack. The steps of the CPR were demonstrated with the help of a mannequin. The steps were revised and more information was provided by our School doctor, Dr Bashneen M S.

At the end of the workshop the teachers asked their queries which were answered by the doctor. Ms Khokhar also showed us videos that dealt with how to provide first aid to a person suffering from a seizure.

The workshop was interesting and informative. It provided information about situations which can take one by surprise and need immediate redressal.