
Workshop for teachers on Robotics and Activity-based Learning Solutions.

A workshop on Robotics and Activity based Learning Solutions for teachers of Delhi schools was held at Vasant Valley School on 31January, 2015. Ms. Archana Raichandani represented our School at this large conclave consisting of participants from Sanskriti School, Shiv Nadar, Ridge Valley, Army Public School, etc. The event was conducted by Techtronic Education with the aim of stimulating critical thinking amongst teachers, encourages them to explore horizons beyond simply classroom teaching. The participating teachers were divided into groups of four and directed to suggest ways of addressing problems arising out of issues like resistance to change, begging among children etc. We were to showcase our points of view, using techtools like posters, photographs, the webcam and so on. We were shown Prime Minister, Modis speech delivered at the National Education Summit in Gandhi Nagar emphasizing the need for skill-based education and the proposal of handing aptitude certificates instead of character certificates to children. Finally the founder of Lego Mind Storms Education, Mr. Sudhanshu Sharma introduced the companys latest innovations, the Story-starter curriculum pack and the story visualizer software. The workshop was enriching as implored innovation amongst teachers and I look forward to attending more of such events to broaden the spectrum of my classroom teaching. Filed by Ms. Archana Raichandani.