
Workshop on Animal Rights for Environment Week.

Animals are not ours' - to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, was a strong message from animal activist Ms. Padmavati Dwivedi of PETA ( People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) on the occasion of Environment Week at School. On 6th July, 2015, our School had invited Ms. Diwedi to address the students of classes 7 and 8 on animal rights in the auditorium. We believe in teaching our young Indianites to empathise with all living organisms around us. To create awareness amongst the students and to sensitive thrm about animal rights, Ms. Dwivedi showed a video on the lives and habitats of different animals. The idea that even animals have feelings was communicated well through the video! She put forward questions to the students like- What do you feel about animals?

For anyone who has a pet at home, how does a pet communicate when he/ she is sad?

Where do we see animals around us other than in their natural habitats?

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The children were extremely animated and promptly offered replies! Animals are seen all around us. Other than their natural habitats they are also seen as 'products' like leather purses, straps, belts, bags, etc.! As a token of appreciation Ms. Dwivedi handed an animal poster to those who answered the questions correctly. Students were very enthused to share their experiences about their pets at home. The highlight of the workshop was a surprise guest Chandu, the wonder pig! The proud owner of Chandu, Mr. Abhinav Srihan is also an animal activist and founder of a bird helpline. He has three shelter homes for animals in Delhi. He took pride in telling the students that pigs too are faithful pets. He told them that a number of pigs are sacrificed everyday to fulfil the increasing demand for pork. The excitement amongst the students knew no bounds when they saw Chandu! They were keen to know what he ate and the daily routine he followed! To this the caretaker replied that Chandus favourite food is soyabean chunks and cucumber. Students happily posed for photographs with Chandu. Students of classes pre-primary, nursery, 1 and 2 also came by to say hello to Chandu. The little ones tried communicating with Chandu in his language oink, oink, oink.. They also fondly petted him. Chandu, the obedient pig followed his caretakers commands and showed the children tricks much to the amazement of the students! It was an exciting workshop for the students who did not want to leave Chandu and only reluctantly agreed to go back to their classes. Ms. Purvi Mehta.