Workshop on Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom
A workshop on Differentiated learning in the classroom conducted by Ms.KaminiNarasimhan, Educational Development Specialist,was heldon 13 September, 2012 atVasantValley School.This was attended by our Ms.MinooSethiand Ms.OthiliaFernandes from primary and pre-primary levels respectively.
Ms.KaminiNarasimhanhas over 18 years of teaching experience in various national and international schools in India and abroad. She hasspent a large part of her career teaching children in war affected zones. She has worked at the International School of Beijing and the Shanghai Singapore International School teaching Economics and English to children from diverse nationalities, backgrounds & cultures.
Ms. Narasimhan began the workshop by throwing, as it were, a thought at us-" one size doesnt fit all', she said describing the diversity amongst learners, learning preferences, individual interests and other heterogeneity in our classrooms. She thus laid out the contours of the exercise , namely the need to explore and arrive at facilitating learning to meet all the varied needs.
The role of the teacher in acknowledging the students unique differences, understanding strengths and weaknesses, providing alternate assignments for different students at different levels, allowing students to choose ways to learn and to demonstrate what they have learnt etc; these aspectsformedthe crux ofthe workshop.
Alternate strategies with differences in their content, process, product and learning environment, we were told, could be adopted to deliver differentiated learning. Examples of differentiated content includedsimple to complex tasks, the use of multiple varieties, audio- visual aids,choicesof books and content to suit learning styles and preferences. Strategies for differentiatedprocess include role play,graphic organizers, choice boards,jigsaws,model- making and tiered activities.
As told by Ms. Minoo Sethi,primary teacher.