
Workshop on emerging career options

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the strength of your dream and how you handle disappointments on your way. Robert Kiyosaki

With focus shifting to holistic learning, students are encouraged to look at options beyond traditional careers including psychology, theatre, design, film, and sport to name a few. Presenting an opportunity to know about these non traditional career options, Deakin University, Australia shared its offerings with students of the senior classes at a session named Deakin University Studio for Emerging Careers, 2018. The workshop was organised at Tagore International School, East of Kailash on 7 August. 2018 from 8:30am to 12:30 pm. 19 students of different sections of class XII at our School along with the students of 6 other schools attended the session.

After registration we were ushered to the auditorium for the orientation. The registration for the workshop was in accordance with the career alternatives offered.

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The orientation programme began with the lightening of the lamp by the principal of the host school Ms. Mallika Preman and John Devereaux, Executive Director Student Life ( Deakin University). This was followed by a welcome address by Mrs. Preman and an overview of education and student life in Australia by the Deakin South Asia team. Afterwards we were escorted by the volunteers of the host school to the allocated venues.

The Session on Sports Science was facilitated by Dr. Julia Walsh and Dr. Craig Wright. Both the mentors were from the School of Exercise and Nutrition Science. They briefed us about the sports management and community programme. Another session was on robotics. This was facilitated by Dr. Elicia Lanham and Mr. Benjamin Champian. They discussed the various types of engineering like civil, mechanical, electronic, mechateonics. They also discussed robotics as a subset of mechatronucs and showed the working of robots with an app. We learnt about coding a robot using the app.

The session on human brain and psychology was facilitated by Ms. Linda Bryne, associate professor at Deakin University. This included various activities like attention, perception, memory and other topics from psychology. She included a video to explain inattention bias, selective attention and an activity on Miller's magical number. She also discussed a few topics of social psychology like Bystanders Effect, social loafing etc. A video on trans cranial magnetic simulation ( TMS) was shown to us which is an emerging technique to treat depression.

The session on ' online media- as an emerging option' was conducted by Dr. Vikrant Kishore. He spoke about media landscape and different forms of media. Also a discussion took place on the importance and dangers of the media. The session included a very intresting activity where students got a hands- on experience of preparing a documentary film. To fullfill the task students took pictures of different places in school and interviewed teachers too.

Turning the Business Career Lights session was conducted by Dr. Kerrie Bridson, associate dean at Deakin University. The session shared information about lives related to business and introspection on individual strengths and weaknesses.

At all the sessions the facilitators shared the career options and related courses offered by the host university. The also shared the structures of individual courses. They concluded by presenting students certificates of participation.

The workshop turned out to be an integrated platform for the students present.

Divjot Singh 12-A, Ishita Khanna 12-B,Gayatri Kundu 12-C, Mitali Nanda 12-D and Sakshi Chawla 12-D.