
Workshop on the Digestive process for classes III and IV by the manufacturers of Yakult milk.

The workshop was held on 21 July, 2014 in the auditorium. The children of classes III and IV were very excited as they wondered what Yakult would teach them. The workshop began with a talk on the human digestive system with the help of a model. The model was colourful and in 3D. When the speaker 'opened' the small and big intestines, it gave the students an immediate perception of the length and shape of each intestine- an interesting experience!

The children were told about the process of digestion and the importance of the digestive organs. They participated freely by answering questions posed. They were particularly motivated as they received key chains for correct answers! A short movie was also shown on the importance of good and bad bacteria. How these bacteria affect our systems and the purpose they serve. Important information on good eating habits and healthy food was also shared with the children. The children filed out of the auditorium with big smiles as each was handed a bottle of Yakult probiotic drink. No prizes for guessing if they were keen to quickly go back to their classes to sample the drink on the humid, hot day! Report by: Ms. Bhanu Batra.