
Workshops in School from 14th to 17th March 2016

Cartooning Workshop for Class 5 on 14th March 2016 The exams are over and the children more relaxed and excited to go on to the next grade. This brief interim was used to organise some creative activities so the children could utilise their time in a more constructive manner. For their benefit, several workshops were organised at School by The Times of India and Hindustan Times. One such workshop was a cartooning workshop where students learnt simple cartooning techniques. They learnt how to draw characters in a range of moods and with varied expressions. They also learnt how to create their own characters, by starting off with simple shapes and building on the shapes step by step. The workshop inspired children to create their own comics. The excitement on the faces of children each time they successfully created a cartoon was worth watching! They were shown how to use ordinary things around them as inspiration to draw cartoons. For example, the shapes of different fruit could be used to model different faces.They showed them how the shape of a pear could be used to make a face with a gloomy expression while the shape of an apple could be used to show an angry look. Similarly, the shape of a tomato could portray a happy expression and so on. The children couldnt stop experimenting! Ms. Vandana Tiwari. Threads on Cards for Class 3 on 14th March 2016 This activity was very engaging. The children were asked to bring materials like coloured wool, threads, sketch pens, glue stick and an A4 size coloured sheet to School. Ms. Silky Khanna from the Times of India group helped each child individually prepare a thread card. The activity took on a very enthusiastic note as the children were asked to fold the A4 sheet into half and turn it into a card. They then drew shapes and patterns over the front of the card. Finally, they pasted colourful bits of wool or thread along these shapes to highlight them. The children worked meticulously and created some interesting pieces of work. Ms. Radhika Prabhaker. Sand Painting for Class 4 on 16th March 2016 For the children of class IV, a sand painting workshop was organised on 16th March 2016. A resource person from the Times of India group took the workshop. Children painted on cardboard and applied sand, coloured wood shavings, rangoli colours, mirrors and sea shells as decoration. Many of the children were able to create some unusual art with vibrant shades and interesting patterns. Ms. Upasana Bhalla. Madhubani Painting for Class 5 on 16th March 2016 Madhubani, which, by one account means Forest of Honey (Madhu-Honey, Ban-Forest or Woods), is located in the Mithila region of Nepal and extends to the northern part of Bihar. It is locally believed that this form of painting started when Raja Janak commissioned local artists to paint murals in his palace in preparation for the marriage of his daughter Sita to Lord Ram. Traditionally,women mainly practised this art form and used it to give expression to the culture and environment they saw around them. The workshop on Madhubani painting was conducted by a specialist from Hindustan Times, Ms. Sadhana Peera. A photocopy of the outline of a painting depicting Lord Vishnu on Seshnag was given to all students. They filled the picture using different shades and mediums of colours. The most popular medium was the sketch pen. Some children also made use of crayons and pencil colours. Each child used his/her imagination to fill in the colours. Each painting with its distinctive colour combination looked beautiful. Ms. Purnima Dwivedi.