
Citizenship Programme initiative: Teaching basketball at nearby municipal school

On 3 July 2024, students of our School actively participated in a Citizenship Programme activity aimed at fostering physical fitness and social values among primary students at a nearby MCD School. Thw initiative focused on teaching basketball, emphasising the importance of physical activity, teamwork and sportsmanship.

The programme was led by Nalini Thakur and Prachi Gaur of XC, who meticulously organised and conducted the session. The activities were structured to ensure a comprehensive learning experience for the young students.

Nalini and Prachi began the session with a series of warm-up exercises to prepare the students physically and mentally for the upcoming activities. These exercises included stretching, light jogging and dynamic movements to increase flexibility and prevent injuries.

The core part of the session focused on the following fundamental basketball skills.

Dribbling: Students were taught the basics of dribbling, learning how to control the ball and move efficiently on the court.

Shooting: Following dribbling practice, the students learned shooting techniques, including accurate hand positioning and aiming strategies.

To instill a sense of competition and teamwork, Nalini and Prachi organised races and team-based activities. These exercises not only helped improve the students' speed and agility but also emphasised the importance of working together and supporting one another.

The session concluded with cooldown exercises, including stretching and breathing techniques, to relax the muscles and reduce the risk of post-activity soreness.

The students of the MCD school responded enthusiastically to the activities. They showed significant interest in learning basketball and demonstrated noticeable improvement in their skills by the end of the session. The emphasis on teamwork and sportsmanship was evident as the students collaborated and encouraged each other throughout the activities.

The teachers and staff of the School expressed their appreciation for the initiative, highlighting the positive impact on the students' physical and social development. They also noted the effectiveness of Nalini and Prachi's leadership and teaching methods.

The Citizenship Programme activity was a resounding success, achieving its objectives of promoting physical activity, teamwork and sportsmanship among young learners.