Spot Fix by the Citizenship Programme of the public space opposite Ansal Paza
On 16th April 2016, the Citizenship Programme, in collaboration with the citizen- volunteers’ group, New Delhi Rising, undertook a SPOT FIX in the the public space opposite Ansal Plaza. Our young volunteers were Mansimar, Rishika Choudhary, Bhavleen Kochhar (8C), Bahreen, Vanshika, Yashpal Besoya, Hassan Khan (10B), Vanshita, Akshita, (9B), Harshit Abbi (10B), Kashish Jadwani, Ananyah *8c), Lavanya Vhadda, Khushi Malik (9B), Ekansh (7B). Ms Sandhya Batheja and Ms. Sangeeta Aswani accompanied them.
This spot was a new location in which one area had been vandalised by posters/spray paint, a second area was being used as an area to feed pigeons and a third small corner was just beginning to be used as a urinal by passersby or used to throw food for stray animals.

The children were divided into three groups to clean the different areas. The first group used soap/water to scrub the poster and spray paint graffiti on the granite wall. The second group cleaned the area where passersby had strewn food upon the floor as pigeon feed.There was a person selling feed who volunteered to help us with water through the spotfix exercise. The children went one step further and requested the shopkeeper to place a large tub for people to drop the feed for the pigeons He agreed to implement this soon.
The children also stopped people stopped to feed the pigeons and requested them not to throw the feed around randomly. Most people spontaneously cooperated. In fact several were very appreciative of the efforts of the children. The third group of our young volunteers used buckets of water and soap to clean the cement flooring and the corners of the granite wall. A mason was then hired to affix tiles with motifs of the of various Gods on to the granite wall so that people would refrain from using the area as a urinal. Incidentally there is a public toilet just 100 meters away!
As always, a few passersby stopped to encourage the children and an auto rickshaw driver even got down and offered a salute! The children were beaming in the accolades! After two hours of hard work, we wrapped up for the day. We had managed to give the area a new fresh look thanks to the granite sparkling once more!
Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, Citizenship- coordinator.