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Students of classes 2A,2B and 2C interacted with the students in Japan virtually

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Class 2A June festival of Brazil - by the students of Brazil India the land of diversity

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Class 2D Skype session with Russia about "Saving Planet Earth"

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Class 5C Health & Hygiene Poster -Citizenship Activity'

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Class VD Activity : Weather and Climate

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Classes 2A and 2C Virtual storytelling session by an educator from Chennai

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Class VC Honesty Skit

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Preschooler's recaps letter L,T and I with Sponge Printing

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Class 4A Parts of a plant , art integrated Learning

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Class 5B celebrates Nelson Mandela International Day

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Class 4C celebrates Nelson Mandela International Day

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Class 5C Virtual tour of Basque Country, Spain with Ms. Catrina MacDonald

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Class 1-E Interaction with Ms.Gali Lev Ari an educator from Israel

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Class 5B News Flash : A Public speaking activity

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Class 5B The Hygiene Rap : A Citizenship activity

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Class 6 creating graphic stories on Pixton app