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Reading month activity by class 5A: My favourite cartoon/book character

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"Daddy you rock"- virtual father's day celebrations by class 2

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Class 3A & 3E : Hindi Activity pics- Paath:' Sheikhibaaz Makkhi'

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Preschoolers celebrating Mom on Mother's Day

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Class 2 : Storytelling sessions and activities conducted during the Literary Week

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Build - A - Thon Activity done by students of Class 2

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Pre schoolers Tall & Short Activity

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Class 2 Learning to form numbers using Abacus

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Webinar on Academic Integrity and Copyright for class 8 : A World Book Day Activity

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Storytelling session with Ms Samina Mishra with classes 3-5

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Celebration of Earth Day

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Pre School : I Am Special

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Preschoolers showed their Favourite Book

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Class 3 D share a story: a world Book day activity

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Class 3 C share a story: a world Book day activity

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Class 3A Share a story : A World Book day activity

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Class 2 Celebrating World Book Day

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Preschool Earth Day Activity