
16th Dr Amidas Goradia Inter school Debate in Hindi ( for Primary)

The Indian School conducted the sixteenth edition of Dr. Amidas Goradia Inter-School Debate in Hindi for primary classes on 29 August 2020. This year the competition was conducted online due to the pandemic situation. Notable writer and musician Shri Dhyanendra Mani Tripathi graced the occasion as chief guest and the judges at the event were Mr. Kabir Arora, theatre artist and Ms. Shubha Sharma, copywriter and advertising professional. Prof. Kahkashan Ahsaan Saad, Professor at Jamia University, also joined the assembly. Many prominent schools of Delhi participated in the event.

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The topics for the debate were 1. , - 2.- - , 3. , 4. ,

Many students chose to speak on how the digital world had become an integral part of their lives during the lockdown period. Speaking for the motion the students said they felt that digitisation had ensured safety and made things readily available without having to step out of home. They also mentioned that online classes and work from home had brought them closer to their parents. They could chat with their friends on Whatsapp and stay connected with their relations on Instagram and Skype. Some added that online shopping and digital payments eliminated the risks involved in carrying currency. Some speakers expressed their delight at enjoying the online exams and competitions which was something novel for them!

Expressing their views against the motion, the students said that the digital world had a negative impact on their life styles. They were becoming lazy, indisciplined and irregular. With school work and exams being conducted online, there had appeared a widening of the gap between the rich and the poor. The speakers were of the opinion that people should be sensitive towards those who have no access to such facilities and privileges. Some of them also described that the digital world would lead us to a world of fantasy, one devoid of feelings and emotions! It would be like a place where children behaved like machines.

The students who spoke on the topic of how they enjoyed the lockdown period said that they got to spend quality time with their families. They enjoyed playing, cooking, watching movies and doing various activities together. The students who spoke against the topic found it the most boring period as their parents had grown busier with work and did not have enough time to spend with them! They felt that their freedom had been curbed by their parents as they seemed to have taken full control of their lives!

The enthusiasm of the students was greatly appreciated by the judges and the accompanying teachers of the participating schools. Chief guest Shri Dhyanenra Mani Tripathi commented that the participants had reasoned and made their case with great confidence and thus was very praiseworthy. He said that it qas evident that the debate and its preparations had been a learning experience for each and every participant. He insisted that it didnt matter who won or lost that day but it was the participation that mattered the most.

Observing the smooth conduct of the online proceedings, Shri Tripathi remarked that this was proof of mans undying spirit of survival and to overcome.

Our other guest Ms Saad said that in current times such competitions served as a ray of hope and the participants had proved that a positive approach towards life helps bring about the desired change. Mr. Kabir Arora added that age doesn't matter, an individual's thoughts reflect true character. Ms. Shubha Sharma another judge, noted that, speaking in the presence of a large audience is not an easy task and all the participants had proved that they were indeed very talented and full of confidence. She also said that it is very important to listen to others and then present ones own view.

The event witnessed some extremely good arguments put forth by the young speakers. Each participant had invested earnest effort to prepare to give his or her best.

Summing up, Principal, Ms Tania Joshi, said that the students are the future of the country and it is very reassuring extremely good to see them think and articulate their points of view with so much enthusiasm and clarity.

The results were then announced by the Principal as each one eagerly awaited them.The team of Tagore International School, Vasant Vihar, was declared the winner of the competition and the second position was shared by the teams of Vasant Valley School and The Indian School.

In the individual category, Loli Dayal of Modern School, Vasant Vihar and Aisha Goel of Vasant Valley School were declared the joint winners. Akshadha Yadav of The Foundation School secured the second position whereas Rida Fatima of Mater Dei Convent School and Saumya Mandhwani of Gyan Bharati School took the Joint Third position.

The event was a huge success and ensured that each participant was enriched by the experience.

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