An "Independent Child" Contest
At the pre- primary level, it isimportant that children become independent with theirdaily needs; namely,eating their food, fastenings, and listeningto instructions. These are extremely important life skills.31August was the final contest after aweek- longpractice and eliminations.

For the children of ThePre school/ Nursery, thecriteria were remove their shoes and wear them back correctly with the velcro nicely sealed.This helps them when they are preparing for Yoga or for their skatingclass;
2. tounzip their bags,lay them upon their tables and then zip them back.This action helps the children to take out their almanacs and lay them on the teacher's table,which is done on a daily basis.

The preprimary / KG had another criteria; they had to wear their entire skating gear, knee andelbow padsand headgear as well as lace their skates on. Within a time given.The judges were careful to see that the elbow and knee pads were worn in the right places!

Both age groups had a tight finish and the winners were:
For BAGS:HarshitaofAgena; and
For Skating equipment:DhunnandSaanvi
both of PP-B andSiddhartMakin of PP-F.

Recognition cards, chocolates and lollipops feted the winners who were accorded starson their cardsas well asanactivity / craft / rhyme book.Principal,Mrs..Narula
graciously judged and gave away the prizes with words of encouragement for all the participants. She appreciated the effort put in to encourage our children to be more independent.
As told by
Ms. VijiVasudev, HT, Pre-primary.
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