
Annual Independence Day Quiz in Pre-primary

Pre-primary celebrated Independence Day with an annual Quiz on 16 August, 2013. The venue of the function was the gym, beautifully decorated with the childrens craft work for the occasion.

Quiz is an enjoyable way to ignite awareness amongst the children and to generate an interest and curiosity among them.

Since the theme Latin America continues, it was decided to have the questions related to the Latin American countries as well as India this year. The quiz was set as a contest between various the sections of the pre-primary. 2 children from each section were selected by elimination rounds and those who qualified were named semi-finalists.

[gallery columns="2"] The programme started at 9:30 am and Principal Mrs. Tania Joshi along with Mrs. Neena Maini, Head Teacher of Primary, joined us. The quiz was divided into 4 rounds : 1. Round I: Question and answers . 2. Round II: Musical ( guess the patriotic tune). 3. Round III: 3D Visual . 4. Round IV: Costume .

Participants were presented certificates and refreshments. The winning team was KG VEGA and the winners were Mittali Maheshwari and Annaya who were presented winner- certificates by Head Teacher, Mrs. Vinita Roy.

It was entirely an edutainment programme fitted to the customary spiral learning which encompasses through the School.