Beyond The Classroom A Trip To Bal Bhavan
Learning doesntend withinthe four corners of the classroom

A tripto BalBhavanwas undertaken for the students of class 5 on 25August, 2012. This trip was an effort to complement what was being taught in class. Fresh insights we felt could best be entreated with visuals from a real display.

We first visited theGauravGathagallery whichdescribesIndia's early civilisation, landmarks, the freedomstruggle, our leadersand the diversity of our country. A diorama has been used to convey the story and easily creates an impression. The children were very curious and animated to recognise several episodes and characters they had heard about or read about before. The exhibition was therefore pertinent because it attempted to integrate what was familiar, though scattered knowledge of the tale, into a cohesive story of a great civilisation through the ages.
HamaraBharatMuseumpresented a panorama of Indianlife, glimpsesof ourculture, artandcraft, our diversityof rituals and religion. Again, the students, already familiar with some of of what they saw and that motivated an enthusiasm to explore the rest.

The Surya or Sun Gallery specially captivated the hearts of thechildren.Wow! " was a common crythat rung through our group as we walked through!The gallery depicted the significance of the Sun both, in the context of Indian culture where He is revered as God, but also talked of elsewhere like Egypt, China and Greece, where, too, the sun has been glorified .The importance of the sun in ourlives and theorigins of the solar system were also described extremely invitingly and the children responded spontaneously. Our objective of supporting classroom learning with excursions such as this was living upto it's brief.
And now it was time for somerelaxation. We came out in the open area and made ourselves comfortable in a shaded spot. Tiffins flipped open and the tempting contents quickly disappeared, washed down by the cool nimbu pani that came out of the water bottles. The chatter was excited and each one seemed to have lots to say! They had obviously absorbed!
As filed by Ms. NeelimaSharma, primary teacher.
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