
CBSE teacher workshop on on Gender Sensitivity

A Capacity Building Programme on Gender Senstivity was organized by CBSE for teachers. The workshop was held on 25 January, 2020 from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm at the New Horizon School and was attended by Mr Pallab Roy of The Indian School.

20 teachers from various schools of Delhi NCR attended the programme. Resource person, Ms Neera Kohli, Vice Principal at DAV, Vasant Vihar, inaugurated the session.

The session began with Ms Kohli explaining the difference between the two commonly misunderstood terms - Gender and Sex. She discussed the role of power in gender relationships and instructed the teachers to not use any gender sensitive language in the classroom. Ms Kohli was of the opinion that the books prescribed in the curriculum must include topics on gender sensitivity and the same should be an integral part of the syllabus. She also suggested that study material on Gender Sensitivity should be made available to the students and teachers. She urged the teachers to establish a congenial environment in the classroom and encourage discussions with students on topics relating to sex and gender.

Ms Kohli shared her concerns on violence based on gender and remarked that historically, women have been treated as victims of oppression and violence. She recommended that steps should be taken to resolve conflicts based on these issues and equal status should be granted to all genders. She added further that evils such as early marriage, marriage against the will of the woman and domestic violence should be removed from our society.

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The session concluded with Ms Kohli emphasising that people should not be discriminated against on the basis of biological differences and that we, a society of educated individuals, must become the change-makers.

It was an enlightening session and provided information on sensitive topics.