CBSE Workshop on Digital Evaluation, 27 February 2014
In an attempt to make evaluation error-free, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has introduced digitalized marking of answer sheets for class X in the upcoming board exams.
According to the CBSE, the answer books in sealed packets from the examination centres, will be handed over to the service or the software provider after fixing bar-coded stickers by the chief secrecy- officer of board examinations. The answer sheets will then be scanned and put on screen for evaluation by examiners trained in using the software.
Five teachers from our school attended a training workshop conducted by Red Roses Public School, Saket, on behalf of CBSE on 27 February 2014. The following teachers received training in digital evaluation:
Navreet Shergill - Department of English
Kajal Soni - Department of Hindi
Mini Bhadran - Department of Mathematics
Nidhi Bharadwaj - Department of Social Sciences
Shweta Aggarwal - Department of Science
The workshop was also attended by a large number of teachers from various schools across Delhi.
Mr. Krishna, the training person from Tata Consultancy Services the service- provider to CBSE explained how to use the software provided to facilitate digital evaluation in a step- by- step and concise manner.
Allaying fears of the evaluators, Mr. Krishna assured them that TCS staff would be present to minimize errors encountered by them during the evaluation process.
Based on the feedback from evaluators who had digitally corrected answer sheets last year, we gathered that the time taken for correcting each answer sheet had gone up considerably and the process hadnt been as smooth after all. However, Mr. Krishna emphasized that all problems encountered previously have been looked into and solved. Until now no instruction manual has been provided to the evaluators.
Challenging or not, speaking pragmatically, I am of the opinion that one has to keep pace with the advances in technology in the field of education.
Moreover, computer-based evaluation and online marking of board answer sheets will ensure compliance of the RTI, which makes it mandatory that the answer sheets be made available for scrutiny to the students, if they wish to see it.
Submitted by Ms. Navreet Shergill