
Class 1 excursion to Sunder Nursery

On 27 January 2020, 177 students of class 1 of The Indian School, went on an excursion to Sunder Nursery accompanied by their teachers, Ms Ishleen Saluja, Ms Shikha Madan, Ms Shweta Arora, Ms Jagrati Kapoor and Ms Surbhi. There was palpable excitement as the tiny tots eagerly looked forward to spending the day out in the open with their friends.

Sunder Nursery, known as Azim Bagh in Mughal times, was established in the early 20th century when the Imperial Delhi complex was being planned and constructed. Located on the southern edge of Lutyens New Delhi, in the heart of Delhi, it is spread over seventy acres and comprises of over fifteen heritage monuments. It was used as a place for propagating trees and other plants to be used in the new capital city, and also for testing species brought from other parts of India and from overseas, to pick those which can successfully thrive in Delhis harsh climate. Restored by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, the nursery today is a popular spot and a must-visit for everyone in the capital.

The glorious sunshine and vibrant hues of spring made for an enjoyable tryst with the history and culture of Delhi. As the students walked in the lawns, the teachers enlightened them about the site and about the various monuments surrounding the it-the Humayuns Tomb, Azimganj Serai, etcetera.

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The students were delighted to also spot some of their favourite flowers in full bloom. The teachers shared with them delightful gems of information-how the nursery is home to an impressive 280 native tree species, 80 bird species and over 36 types of butterflies!

After an exciting and exhausting walk in the winter sun, the young enthusiasts sat down on the green lawns in their class groups, to bring respite to their little aching feet! The relaxing party broke into an impromptu games session, followed by singing and snacking.

The hugely rewarding excursion was an enriching experience for both students and teachers alike.

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