
Class 12 Farewell 2018

On 25 January 2018, we formally bid adieu to our beloved senior batch who are set to leave School. It took months of dedication, hard work and preparation for us, class 11 to prepare for an event of such significance and scale. In fact he students of class XI 11 left no stone unturned to give their seniors a truly unforgettable send off. Everything, from the performances to the decoration was picture perfect.

The occasion commenced with a brilliant dance composed and choreographed from start to finish by the students of class XI themselves. It got the audience buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm as the audience was on its feet, cheering, dancing, and asking for more! The celebrations were carried forward with a series of melodious musical performances.

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A riot of laughter followed as a hilarious skit which portrayed a classroom where the students enacted politicians, actors and other celebrities left the students gasping in undiluted delight! The afternoon progressed with a short movie showcasing the so called famous escapades of students through the School years! It was truly a trip down memory lane. The 5 minute movie, showcasing the nostalgia, was brilliantly executed and received a huge round of applause.

One last time, Ms. Tania Joshi addressed us as a class at this emotional gathering and the event concluded with the customary cake being cut together. All in all, it was a perfect end to spectacular journey of 14 years.

Nipunh Kothari, XI-D.