
Class 12 visits the National Museum

On May 17, 2024, 20 students of class 12 embarked on an educational trip to the National Museum, aiming to enhance their understanding of history, culture, and art through an interface with historical artefacts and exhibits. The museum walk was organised in anticipation of the approaching National Museum Day. The group was accompanied by History teacher, Ms Aarushi Rawat and Fine Arts teacher, Ms Kusum Sharma.

The National Museum in New Delhi stands as a testament to India’s rich and varied history. The artefacts and exhibits on display offer a rich glimpse into the country’s cultural, artistic and historical evolution.

The trip began with a great deal of enthusiasm and vigour, as the students were excited to view in person, several artefacts they had studied about in class. Upon arriving at the museum, they were greeted by a life size temple chariot encased in glass near the main entrance, which further fueled their excitement!

The group was greeted by a museum guide, who provided a brief orientation about the museum's layout, its important collections, and the rules to be observed during the visit. The guide emphasised the importance of respecting the artrfacts and maintaining decorum on the museum premises. 

The students were taken on a tour of the various galleries such as the Gallery of Harappan Civilisation, Early Medieval Art, Medieval History, and others showcasing among other displays, Indian miniature paintings, sculptures, coins and statues of Buddha. Moving forward, the students got to see artefacts and sculptures from different time periods, including the intricate bronze and stone sculptures of the Satavahana, Shunga, Maurya, and Gupta periods.

Towards the end of the visit, the group explored the vast Mughal miniature paintings collection which is considered  a treasure chest as it were, for learning about social changes in that era.

Overall, the trip to the National Museum was a memorable and educational experience, providing invaluable insights that textbooks alone cannot offer.  It made subjects like History and Fine Arts more engaging and interesting. It broadened  horizons and ignited their passion for their respective subjects.