
Class 2D interacts with Russian peers and their Math teacher on Skype

The Tuesday morning online class for class II-D of The Indian School turned out to be a novel one! The students got an opportunity to interact and engage with their peers at the Alabuga International School, Russia. Ms Asmaul Husna, teacher of Math at the school conducted a highly captivating session on Zoom with our young Indianites on 1 December, 2020. Our students were accompanied by their Math teacher, Ms Tavleen Singh .

Ms Asmaul Husna quickly broke the ice with our students and began engaging them on various topics of Math, like currency. She even prompted a Math quiz for the children on both sides of the screen. Ms Asamul showed our children her classroom and its displays. Here, her students happily displayed their simple robotics projects that they had made in their science class.

It was an enriching session and our children were extremely animated and receptive of the learning experience.