Community Outreach by birthday babies
Community Outreach by birthday babies
The greatest sweetener of human life isfriendship .To raise this to the highest pitch ofenjoyment ,is a secret which but few discover.
The important question isnot ,what will yield to man a few scattered pleasures but what will render his life happy on the whole amount.
As part of our community outreachprogramme, on 26July, 2012 , the children whose birthdays fall in the monthsof April to July , shared their thrill in a special way by a visit toJantaAdarshAndhVidyalaya
( Blind School ) ,SadiqNagar with their parents and teachers.
Prior to our visit the Principal of the Blind school, when asked to suggest possible gifts or the occasion, requested for two special computers with specially designed software which enables the blind to work. Thesewere then presented by the parents of the birthdsy children.
JantaAdrashAndhVidyalaya( BlindSchool )iaa place which believes in transforming Disability to Ability . We adullts were overwhelmed to meet the inmates of the Blind School who were a picture of peace and joy despite their challenge.
Our little students sangtheGayatriMantra followed by the rhymes, "I love the pitpitpatter of the rain drops" , "Gods love" and "Krishnakhademadhubanmain", for their hosts who also reciprocated with asmall butwonderful musicalprogrammefor us.
It was a very enriching experience for all ofus .Parents most generously also presented a cheque aswell, as a donation on the auspicious occasion as atoken of love, as the children distributed chocolates.
We indeed came back in deep contentment of having brought cheer in other lives.
As told by Ms.AditiGupta, teacher.