EDISON CONVENTION-2013 on 21 December
Organized by the Physics Society of DPS, R. K., students representing our School were
Quiz- Ayushman Dey, Raghav Kharbanda
Debate- Pritha Ray, Seitu Chauhan
Ad dict- Luvditya Khurana, Meghlayana Banerjee, Renisha Singh
Demo-Smriti Mehra, Aastha Kalra
The chief guest on the occasion was Prof. Dr. Mukherje from the Remote-Sensing department at JNU.
The event was organized in stages for the sub- events as above. General areas of Physics were covered at the quiz, whilst in the debate, students were given the topic cosmic ray shower variability causes environmental perturbation. In the event, AD-Dict students were required to enact an advertisement on themes such as space- colonization, space-tourism, nano-technology in daily life. For the event, Demonstration, the practical know-how and skills of students were tested.
After assigning team numbers to the participant schools, accompanying teachers were requested to wait in the library as the participating teams were sent over to the nominated venues. All judges were from the DPS, R. K. Puram Alumni association itself.
The event started with a welcome speech by Dr. D. R. Saini, Principal DPS, R. K. Puram followed by a key note on cosmic rays by chief guest Prof. Dr. Mukherje. At the end a vote of thanks was given by Vice Principal Mrs. Shobha Mehta.
Report by Mr.Tapeshwar Kumar.