
English recitation presentation by Pre school

Rhymes enjoy an undisputed importance in the life of a kindergartener. These are an integral part of the learning process, as they are instrumental in developing linguistic skills with rhythm.

This was demonstrated beautifully by the students of Pre School, when they participated in an English Recitation Presentation on 25thSeptember 2018.

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The children brought to life all the characters of each rhyme! This was evident as they came in turns and presented their verse with articulation and actions. They were animated and got into the skin of the narration!

PS Agena Brown Girl in the Ring.
PS Capella Boogie Woogie
PS Delphini Wheels of the Bus.
PS Hercule Here we round the Mulberry bush.
PS Kokab Old Mc Donald had a farm.

It was an excellent opportunity for them to exhibit their confidence with stage exposure. The Pre-Primary children who were the audience of the show enjoyed reciting along. Everyone was delighted to watch the utterly endearing performances.

In the end Head Teacher Ms. Ritu Singh warmly appreciated the little ones on their wonderful performance.

Ms. Bharti Bedi