
Environment Week 2023

The Indian School observed Environment Week from 3rd July to 7th July 2023, with the enthusiastic and active participation of the students. The theme for this year's celebration was "Sustainable is Attainable."

The week commenced with an address by Principal, Ms. Tania Joshi, emphasising the importance of adopting sustainable practices in our daily lives.

The Environment Week activities began as soon as School reopened on 3rd July. The aim of the week was to raise new awareness about the need for sustainable development and to encourage students to become responsible future citizens.

In her speech, Ms Joshi highlighted the significance of adopting sustainable practices in our day-to-day activities. She emphasised the importance of keeping our classrooms and surroundings clean, conserving water and energy, reducing paper usage, recycling materials, and understanding the profound impact of climate change in our lives.

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A wide range of activities were organised class-wise during the zero period, with the main objective creating new awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These activities aimed to instill a sense of responsibility among students towards environmental conservation and to address the challenges posed by the climate crisis.

In the Pre Primary Department, the children actively participated in creating badges depicting Mother Earth. These badges were made using newspaper and served as a reminder of the importance of protecting our planet. The children also engaged in a captivating storytelling session, where they were told the story of "Rooney's Adventure - The Friendly Octopus". The story taught the children about the significance of keeping their surroundings clean for a healthy life and introduced them to the concept of waste segregation through the use of three dustbins.

The week concluded with a special assembly. The assembly featured slogans, rhymes/songs, and an enactment of the story "The Giving Tree" performed by the teachers. The little ones thoroughly enjoyed the fun-filled week and promised to become responsible citizens of the future.

The students from Class 3, 4, and 5 actively participated in a variety of environmental activities. The students of class 3 focused on the significance of plants and their contributions to our lives. They created projects highlighting different types of plants and wrote catchy slogans promoting environmental protection and the importance of preserving nature.

The students of class 4 showcased their commitment to sustainable practices by transforming discarded newspaper into useful items such as pencil stands, coasters, and mats. Additionally, they adopted a special eco-friendly approach by preparing bio-enzymes using natural and waste ingredients like fruit peel and seeds, thus contributing to creating a greener environment.

The students of class 5 created thought-provoking comic strips that depicted the impact of pollution on river water and its consequences on people's lives. The students aimed to emphasise the urgent need for immediate action and raise awareness about the importance of environmental preservation.

The students of class 5 prepared a calendar presenting seasonal environmental diseases and hazards prevalent in our city. This calendar served as a reminder to maintain a clean and healthy environment throughout the year. By highlighting the risks associated with environmental degradation, the students aimed to create a sense of responsibility among their peers and promote sustainable practices.

In collaboration with the School administration, enthusiastic students of classes 4 and 5, participated in a tree plantation drive on Friday, 7th July, 2023. The event commenced with a brief introduction to the importance of trees and their environmental benefits. Students received instructions on proper planting techniques.

The week concluded with an engaging assembly where the students of classes 4 and 5 showcased the impact of environmental hazards on wildlife through a captivating skit. Through the performance, they effectively highlighted the consequences of environmental degradation on animals and their habitats, conveying the urgent need to protect and preserve our natural surroundings.

To ensure the physical and mental wellness of the students, a week-long yoga session was conducted for the students of classes V to VIII. The sessions were organised by the Isha Foundation, providing students with an opportunity to practice meditative yoga and prioritise their overall well being.

At the middle and senior school levels, an inter-house debate was organised. The topics for the debate revolved around environmental issues such as the role of humans in the world, renewable energy sources, climate change as the biggest environmental challenge, the impact of science and technology on the environment, veganism as a personal choice, animal rights in zoos, reversing climate change, and the ban on GMOs. The competition encouraged students to engage in thoughtful discussion and develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues.

A special assembly was presented by the students of class XII on the topic "The Challenges to Sustainability." During the assembly, the students delivered a presentation on the challenges to sustainability, sustainable solutions, and the role of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our daily lives. They also discussed schemes and programmes introduced by the government for sustainable development, as well as the measures implemented at our School. The students actively voiced their opinions and provided feedback on how individuals and the school can further contribute to environmental conservation and sustainable development.

In addition to the various activities and workshops, a session on the "Impact of Climate Change" was organised for Class 9 students. The session was conducted by Dr

Shashi Kant, scientist in the Meteorological Department (IMD), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India. Dr Shashi Kant enlightened the students with his knowledge of climate change and its impact on the earth. Through a comprehensive presentation that included graphs and pictures, Dr Kant effectively conveyed the urgency of addressing climate change. He also discussed how online food delivery contributes to environmental degradation and encouraged students to reduce their reliance on such services.

The session concluded with a message from our Vice Principal, Dr Anu Singh who highlighted the importance of individual efforts in saving our Earth. Students were motivated to take responsibility for their actions and make conscious choices that contribute to environmental sustainability.

Overall, Environment Week at The Indian School was a resounding success, with students actively participating in a wide range of activities, workshops, debates, and assemblies. The events not only raised awareness about environmental issues but also inspired students to take action and become responsible stewards of the environment. Through their creativity, enthusiasm, and dedication, the students showcased their commitment to sustainable practices and laid the foundation for a greener future.

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