Fire Drill
We at School conduct fire drills on a regular basis to familiarise and train students for disaster management. School is conscious that managing a large group of students in a situation of fire in the building is a challenge that must be addressed in advance by preparation and planning. To ensure that evacuation is achieved systematically and yet rapidly, fire drills are conducted floor-wise. Exit routes for each class is known to all members of the School. Each class has been assigned a place to assemble in the field outside the building. Students are trained to briskly move out in single file as soon as the fire alarm rings, accompanied by the teacher present in the class. Once outside, teachers take attendance.

The fire- fighting equipment at School is also put to work in such mock exercises.
We are happy to have found most students, from the youngest, learning quickly and acting appropriately. Regular drills will bring the perfection we have planned. Even though these are drills, they are very important because through practice the students will learn what to do and how to manage an emergency.
The last drill was conducted on 4 October.