Interaction with Prof. A. Rosencraz
Interaction with Prof. A. Rosencraz on 26th July, 2012

Our School was honoured to have Mr.ShyamDivan, senior advocate and member of the governing board andProf. ArminRosencranzlawyer, a political scientist and Teacher of the Year at Stanford Universityforaninteractive session on Environment and Development a priority of key both the developed and the developing worlds.

The session with students of classes 11 and 12 was extremely animatedand interactive. Thehonourableguest spoke on numerous environmental issues like global warming and its adverse effects on the living beings inheriting the planet. The students got to know how coral reefs which are the heart and soul of water bodies areaffected by rising temperatures. The changesin the environment not only affect the species of flora and fauna but alsois a cause for many natural disasters. In the last decade, the world has witnessed a rise inthe occurrences of hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis and floods. The rising temperature has also had an impact on the food chain.

Prof.Rosencranzemphasized the need to have international institutions toaddress environmental issues. He focused on the importance of practicing sustainable development.He also felt that there is an urgent need to have a global management system in order to tackle the rising environmental problems and to change the mindsets of entrepreneurs and political heads.

Finally aconsensuswas reached wherein the honorable speaker and the students both were of the opinion that the larger goals could be achieved only if we start being sensitive towards the environmentand practice a sustainable development in our personal day to day lives.
Report byMs.RukminiThampi, teacher-in-charge, Environment Club.