
International exchange for class 7

Students of class VII of The Indian School along with their teacher of Social Science, Ms. Sarah Khanna, collaborated with the students and teachers of PT DTNT Tinh Phu Tho School in Vietnam on 16 July 2020 at 7:30 am, on a Skype session.

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The students in Vietnam belong to a boarding school built for ethnic minorities. The two sides spoke about their hobbies, culture and the effects of lockdown in their respective countries. They discussed how the pandemic has had an adverse effect on the entire world. They volunteered ideas on how the situation can be controlled They all agreed that keeping calm, staying at home and sanitising their hands regularly are the most effective solutions to the current problem.

The session helped in developing listening and observation skills apart from fostering teamwork, cooperation and an ability to solve problems. It was also an introduction to a new culture and the students lapped up the opportunity! It was a good experience for our children where they contributed to sharing knowledge on a virtual platform with their peers from a different part of the globe.