
Kizuna Bond Project - 18 to 28 November, 2012.

Japan - The most memorable 10 days of my life, by Nakul Choda, class 11A.

The experience of these 10 days was the most amazing experience that I have ever had. We assembled for a small orientation for the trip before we left for IGI airport. Our flight was at 8:30 pm and it was a 10 hour long flight. Hardly anyone slept in the immense excitement! We reached Tokyo at around 7:30 am local time. The time difference between India and Japan is +3.5 hrs. After reaching Narita International Airport, we were taken to our hotel on a 1.5 hr bus ride.


The name was Keio Plaza Hotel. We were assigned our rooms and had time to ourselves. Then we had a batch orientation and a group orientation followed it. We had dinner at an Indian restaurant and then went for shopping in the local market. We returned to the hotel by 10 pm. We explored the hotel premises and only slept at midnight.


We had our wake-up call at 6:30am and then breakfast at 7:30am. It was really delicious. Then we sent our larger luggage for shipping to our groups city named MIYAZAKI, and proceeded to a lecture on the great east Japan earthquake of March, 2011. After the lecture we went to an Indian restaurant for lunch and then headed to Tokyo train station to go to Koriyama in Fukushima, which was our next destination.

We reached our hotel which was Udabandai Royal Hotel in Fukushima and checked into our rooms and rested. Then we had our dinner and stepped outside where it was snowing! It was a new experience. We slept only around 12:30 am.


We woke up at about 6 am and had our breakfast by 7:30 am. Then we headed to Japan Agricultural Society where we were split into smaller groups and sent to houses of local farmers. Here, we were shown around their farms and houses. It was an enriching experience. The locals took very good care of us and treated us like their own. We had lunch with them and went to see the stringent measures taken by the cooperative to check the radiation levels in the crop and to bring it to naught. A local narrated to us, his experience in the earthquake of March 2011 and how his world was changed by it. We reached the hotel at about 6 pm and then had dinner and spent time with friends. We slept by 12:30 am.


We woke up at 6:30 am and had breakfast at 7:30 am. Then we attended a lecture on the effect of radiation on wild animals. After that we went trekking at Mount Bandai and viewed the myriad lakes in their myriad hues. At a souvenir shop, we bought lots of stuff and then returned to the hotel. Next we had a lecture on voluntry work undertaken by a local earthquake volunteer. After that we were taken to a demonstration of lampshade-making. We each, made lampshades with paper and each of us was given a light to fit inside. Once done, the organisers assembled an entire tree with the 50 lampshades created! It made a spectacle! Dinner and rest followed.


We woke up at 6 and had breakfast at 7:30. Then we moved to Koriyama station by bus to go back to Tokyo. We had lunch at Tokyo and then headed to Haneda airport and boarded our flight to Kumamoto airport. From there we took a bus to Miyazaki which was our designated destination. There we were introduced to our host families and proceeded to our host family-homes. We exchanged pleasantries but we were also tired and soon slept.


We woke up at about 8 am and went to the Gokase Nature School. There we were guided to prepare the local curry and we 'smashed' rice for the rice cakes. Along with 2 groupmates and a local 18 yr old named Nodoka Sokabe, we roamed in the area exploring the shops. We also took part in making flower pressings before dinner. We tried our luck at wrestling too at the lical Sumo festival which was memorable!


We woke up at 7 am and went to see the training of firefighters. Then we had lunch with firefighters and went to our surrogate homes. Our mom and dad took us to an amazing souvenir shop and we bought lots of amazing stuff there. Then we went to the Gokase restaurant for our farewell party to our surrogate mothers and fathers. After that we went to Kumamoto by bus. It took us 1.5 hours to reach there. There we checked into the hotel and slept.


We woke up at 6:30 am and walked around the Kumamoto castle. Then we wrote a 'haiku' and proceeded to the city hall of Kumamoto. We met the Mayor of Kumamoto and also visited the Hitsuyukan Senior High School in Kumamoto. There we attended a workshop and after that we left for our hotel. We caught up with our friends and slept.


We woke up at 6 am and went to the Kumamoto airport and boarded our flight to Haneda airport. There we checked into our hotel, Keiou Plaza and were shown our rooms. Then we attended our main workshop presentation. That was it, as it were on the formal bit and after that we felt 'set free' as it were, in Tokyo and no guesses for what we did...shopping! We returned to the hotel only at 10:30 pm and chatted away amongst friends till late.

DAY 10

This was the most dreaded day of all, the one where we had to head back. We woke up at 5:30 am and left for the airport at 8 am. We boarded our flight at 11.50am and reached India at 6:30 pm local time. We reassembled at the hotel where we had first collected on our way out. In sorrow we bid our byes and headed home.

I would like to sincerely thank Mithu maam and Tania maam for placing their faith in me for this opportunity. I shall be grateful lifelong.

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