
LITERARY WEEK in the Pre- Primary

The youngest batch of Indianites observed Literary Week in their own special way. To make learning more effective and to generate interest in the children for the theme of the year ( The west coast of India), the children were introduced to the displays on the corrior boards on the subject. They learnt about the cuisine, costumes, dance forms and places of interest in their adopted states. Simultaneously the activity helped them to recognise words they saw on the boards by relating them to the visuals. The learning was easily assimilated. As a part of the activities planned, teachers narrated stories from the adopted states; Maharashtra- A story based on friendship, Goa- Attilum ani Bettulum ( a story of sisterly love), Kerala-The Eel and the coconut tree, Karnataka and Gujarat (Dala Tarawadi). The stories were narrated in the classroom first by each of the section teachers and later again in the assembly with animation, music and puppetry. The value- based stories helped the children identify the adopted states under the theme; also they helped to enhance exposure to vocabulary.

[gallery] To add a little garnish, the week ended with an activity of identifying the ingredients that go into Bhelpuri from Maharashtra! The children enthusiastically participated and lent a hand to assembling them.The ingredients and the method of making the bhelpuri generated great curiosity and excitement and the exercise of eye-hand coordination and vocabulary enhancement was hereby painlessly practiced. The children had a taste of it too during break. The literary week focussed on the al-l round development of the children with a generous treat widespread facts about their unique adopted states! Ms. Vinita Roy, HT.