Mathematics Workshop on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Ramanujan.

2012 has been declared as the National year of Mathematics by Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh to mark the 125th Anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan. As a tribute to the great Indian mathematician, his birthday, i.e. 22ndDec has also been declared The National Mathematics' Day. To acknowledge hiscontributions to the field of mathematics as also to orient students to more easily welcome mathematics,a workshop was held at S.D. Public School, Pitampura, on 26
,27, and 28July 2012 from 9 am to 4 pm. The event was inaugurated byMr. Vineet Joshi, Chairman, CBSE and was presided over by various eminent people from the field, namely,Mr. V. P. Srivastava,Retd.Dean, Faculty of Mathematics;Dr. Atul Nishchal, CEO, Ganit Gurooz andDr. Kailash Vishvakarma, professor at Jhansi University.

The highlightsof thefirst phase of theevent were a 'hands-on art and craft' activities designed for students and teachers andalsolectures on Vedic Maths. Through these activites,practical understanding was applied to make the concepts joyous.The workshop alsoestablisheda platform for teachers and students to create, collaborate, share, learn and move together to bring progressive change in mathematics education.

In the second phase of the program, the focus will be on challenging problems in Mathematics and types of problems asked in National and International Olympiads. In the third phase, there will be a culmination of National Mathematics' Year 2012 and the showcasing of the work done by the students and teachers during the year.

The Valedictory function was presided over by Dr. Sadhna Parasher, CBSE who expressed happiness that students were being led in the right direction. She felt that the Mathematics' movement started by the organizers of the workshop would help enhance the the interest in the subject.She also promised to provide an online portal on th CBSE website to extend the program countrywide.8students, Tanya Gupta, Shlok Tyagi, Ojasvi Jain, Anshaj Gupta, Yuvakshi Narang, Nitya Soni,Kartik Anand and Gauri Awasthiand two teachers, Ms.Alka Kanwar and Ms. Sandhya Bathejaattended the workshop. They enjoyed every minute of the interactive sessions and felt that if mathematics is taught with the help of art and craft or with ICT tools, it will definitely remove the fear of mathematics from common man and will also support in identifyingpeople with mathematical talentin our country. Teaching Vedic Maths will bring back the glory of ancientIndian mathematicsand will raise thestandardof mathematicsin the future.
As filed by Ms. Sandhya Batheja, senior maths teacher.