
Nelson Mandela International Day 2016-a commemoration of Nelson Mandelas 98th birth anniversary.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela lived up to these words his entire life. Madiba, as he is most lovingly called, was the epitome of courage and sacrifice. What better day to remember him for who he was, than on his birthday on 18th July! To commemorate Nelson Mandelas birthday, 18th July is marked The Nelson Mandela International Day.

This day is homage to a man of quiet dignity and towering achievement who worked tirelessly for peace and humanity.

This year, a commemoration programme was organised at the India International Centre on 18th July 2016, in association with the Africa Club of Bluebells International School. Close to 20 schools from Delhi and the NCR took part in the service. 12 students from our School had an opportunity to be a part of this prestigious programme.

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The event commenced with a procession from the Gandhi-King Memorial Plaza to C.D. Deshmukh Auditorium at the India International Centre. The procession was led by school children carrying pictures of Madiba, expressing their solidarity for the values this great man lived up to.

Once the procession reached the auditorium, the students settled to take their seats. Soon the hall echoed with the soulful renditions of some of Madibas favourite songs, sung by an assorted choir from schools of Delhi and the NCR. The audience responded warmly.

Mr. Rajiv Chandran, National Information Officer, United Nations' Information Centre for India and Bhutan read out a message from the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. In his message, the UN Secretary General said that the Nelson Mandela International Day was an opportunity to reflect on the life and work of a legend who embodied the highest values of the United Nations. He beckoned people around the world to devote at least 67 minutes on 18th July to a community service activity and be a part of the Mandela movement.

The occasion was graced by H.E. Mr. France Morule, High Commissioner of South Africa, who said in his speech that Madiba was a global citizen whose example continues to guide us in our work to build a better world. Talking about Mandelas life, H.E. said that he gave 67 years of his life to bring change to the people of South Africa. His accomplishments came at a great personal cost. His sacrifice not only served the people of his nation, but made the world a better place for everyone.

The foyer of the auditorium was the venue for an exhibition of paintings by the students of Bluebells School International. The paintings depicted the life of the great leader. It was as if his life came alive on the canvas with colours of love and sacrifice, the ideals that Madibas life was a paragon of.

In paying tribute to this great man, we learnt how even a single human being can make all the difference in the world. We are deeply inspired to build on his legacy of selflessness and deep sense of shared purpose.

Truly, Nelson Mandela showed the way!

Ms. Gandharvi Mukherjee.