
Skype classroom with peers in Thailand for classes 2A and 2C

We need to embrace technology to make learning more engaging because when students are engaged and they are interested, thats where learning takes place.

On 16 December, 2020, a virtual classroom was conducted for the students of classes IIA and IIC with their peers at the Ban Raman School, in the Yala province of Thailand and their teacher, Ms Ploy.

The eagerness was clearly evident in the eyes of the young learners on both sides. After introductions, our students spoke about our national symbols and what they symbolise. The children from Thailand spoke about their preparations for Christmas.

Students on both the sides sang carols and tapped along to the melody in an air of festivity. The groups discussed the weather conditions and the time difference between India and Thailand.

Shubika Sharma of class 2A narrated a beautiful story titled, I am Krishna. I am Kansa with the help of colourful props. The message that Shubika wanted to convey through her story was that good and evil are within us and we should act in a way that good triumphs over evil. Ms Ploy was amazed to see the level of confidence of our young Indianites.

The interaction greatly helped the students build new confidence and improve communication skills. It also helped them learn about a hitherto unfamiliar country.