
Special online Assembly on Independence Day by Pre primary

The pandemic has confined students to their homes, but it cannot dampen the patriotic pride.

In these times of virtual learning, the Pre Primary classes kept alive the spirit of our 75th Independence Day by conducting a special assembly on 13 August 2021 over the virtual platform.

The Indian School has always observed this day with colourful celebrations and patriotic fervour. This year, the same excitement and energy permeated the virtual celebrations.

The ceremony began with a brief introduction on the significance of this day. The children presented a skit- 'I am independent' where, the young actors convincingly essayed the role of their parents. The endearing play revolved around the theme of independence. It highlighted the desirable quality of being independent and not looking for help from grown-ups. The actors showed how they can brush their teeth, wear their own clothes, do homework and eat by themselves, without assistance. The effort of the performers was praiseworthy as they were able to deliver a synchronised performance despite being in different places.

The concert, Music is Magic, cast a spell with the rendering of patriotic songs by the children. The air filled with the sound of sweet music as they sang in harmony, songs like 'I salute my flag', 'Wave the flag', and 'Nanha munha Rahi hu'.

We dance for laughter,

We dance for tears,

We dance for our glorious nation.

Keeping in mind the patriotic mood of the occasion, the little ones wore tri-coloured clothes. Their dance performance on a medley of patriotic songs was captivating too.

The special assembly culminated with the singing of the national anthem.