
Storytelling by a teacher in Canada for class 1A

Stories create magic and a sense of wonder at the world. They teach us about life, about ourselves and about others. Storytelling is a unique way for children to develop an understanding, respect and appreciation for other cultures, lands and religions.

In sync with this thought, a storytelling session was organised on Skype on 8 July 2021 for the students of class 1A.

Ms. Louise Roberts, teacher at the Ecole New Era School in Manitoba, Canada, enthralled the young audience with her storytelling skills.

The students were spellbound as they listened to the story The Earth Book written by Todd Parr.

The appropriate use of voice modulation infused passion, enhanced imagination and expression introduced the children to new horizons of storytelling. The story spoke about how small steps can make a big difference and go a long way in conserving our planet

Ms. Roberts went on to discuss with the students, the various ways by which we can save the earth. She told her virtual audience how bees play an important part in conserving the environment.

A comparison between the weather in both countries, India and Canada, piqued the interest of the students. One look at the pictures in the book and they were quick to spot how Canada is different from India. There are no polar bears in India, It doesnt snow in Delhi, There are no beaches in Delhi were some of the keen observations that popped nstantly! The discussion soon shifted to the significance of trees. The well-informed young audience volunteered that trees give us oxygen, paper and fruit and so they hold a lot of importance in our lives.

Our young Indianites were prompt at answering all the questions posed by the teacher across the screen and were lauded by her for their confidence.

The session was a wonderful opportunity for the students to know more about a new land through a story.

Every one of us can protect the earth and make it feel good. Remember, if we take care of it, it will take care of us.

This note from the book read aloud by Ms. Roberts at the end, resonated with the objectives of the session, namely, to sensitise the young learners to the environment, apart from expanding their knowledge of countries and cultures other than their own.