
Storytelling session for class 1

Storytelling is one of the oldest and most effective forms of teaching. A well-told story enables the speaker and the listeners to optimize the learning process by integrating cognition, emotion, and imagination in the didactic process. Good storytelling is an art and a skill.

We at The Indian School regularly conduct storytelling sessions to entertain and optimize the learning process for our nascent learners.

The online storytelling session held on 10 August 2021 was one in a series of these ongoing synergies. The students of classes 1B and 1E met Ms Sailakshmi Raghuram for an exciting round of virtual storytelling at 10 am.

The session commenced with a brief introduction of the narrator from Chennai.

Ms Raghuram told her attentive listeners the story of Sringeri Shrinivas, an angry man who used to get enraged at every small thing. Nothing could make him happy. The narrator highlighted that those who lose their temper or are quick to anger do not attract friends. Such people lead lonely lives because nobody is willing to be their friends. The narrator further examined the repercussions of anger and counselled the little ones to remain cheerful.

Ms Raghuram also commented upon the importance of keeping our surroundings clean. She asked the children to enact different moods of Shrinivasan.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the session. It helped them understand the dual benefit of being happy and also keeping one's environment clean.