
Students undertake election awareness campaign

Election is the most crucial event in any democracy. The citizens have the right to vote for any candidate or a party and in our country this right is given to people aged 18 years and above. The Delhi legislature elections are scheduled on 8 February and the Election Commission is taking all possible measures to make sure that more people are encouraged to vote as it forms the basis of a robust democracy. To make this endeavour more effective, the Election Commission is involving students in its awareness programme.

The students of The Indian School took the initiative to motivate and make people aware of the need to vote. Some students of class XI-D namely Vidya Taneja, Vishakha Baisoya, Vidhi Sharma, Jaiaditya Singh, Shivangi Sharma, Shiven Batra and Shruti Negi designed eye-catching posters and composed catchy slogans to create awareness both within the school premises and outside. Though it was a directive by the government but the students took it as a responsibility to educate the general public about their right to vote. They also organised sessions within School from 30 January -3 February 2020.

Awareness sessions for classes 6,7 and 8 were held where the team made the juniors promise that they would try to motivate their parents, grandparents, neighbours and relatives to vote.

The team also did a session with the housekeeping staff at School, informing them about the upcoming elections, its importance and explaining the value of a vote. The teachers of our School and members of the admin department also assembled in the School auditorium to take the Voter's Pledge.

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Some students namely Aanchal Gupta, Akshita Panwar, Anushree Dutta, Aryan Chanda, Dewanshi Chanda, Jahnvi Gera, Jaiaditya Singh, Ryan Suri, Sancia Dube, Shivangi Sharma, Shiven Batra, Simran Khandpur, Tanishka Saini, Vidhi Sharma, Vibhuti Gera, Vidya Taneja and Vishakha Baisoya from class XI-D rallied outside the School gates carrying posters and shouting slogans like Hum bachon ki pukar hai, vote karna aapka adhikar hai, One vote, One nation and No voter should be left behind! This helped attract the attention of passers by, residents of the neighbourhood, visitors and parents of our School.

The singular motive was to encourage people to use the power of their votes wisely. The young student activists also requested people to extend help to those with disability. Information about sign language interpreters, postal ballots, pick and drop facilities at polling booths, registering on ceodelhi.gov.in website, calling the helpline number(1950) and sending SMS on 7738299899 was also provided by our students.

The exercise was undertaken in great sincerity and enthusiasm. The experience helped the students learn as they taught!