
The Indianite MUN 2021

The Indian School successfully hosted the second edition of the prestigious Indianite Inter-School Model United Nations on 8 - 9 October 2021. It featured seven committees with thrilling agendas, where delegates discussed and deliberated upon some of the worlds most pressing issues. Due to the prevailing pandemic, this momentous competition took place on the online platform Zoom.

The Indianite MUN triumphantly brought together more than 120 students from various schools such as the Lotus Valley International School, Bal Bharti Public School, St. Xaviers School, Amity International School etc. This year, the organisers succeeded in getting delegates from Sharjah, Canada and Singapore schools to participate in the online MUN.

The grand confluence was declared open on 8 October 2021 with the ceremonial tapping of the table by Principal, Ms Tania Joshi and Secretary-General, Paakhi Rajpal.

This MUN was privileged to have executive board members from overseas as well as across the country, especially the Delhi-NCR MUN circuit.

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The MUN included seven committees:

*United Nations General Assembly *United Nations Security Council *United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees *United Nations Commission on the Status of Women *All India Political Parties Meet *International Monetary Fund *International Press Corps.

The General Assembly deliberated upon the devastating effects of climate change and its impact on the poor and the underprivileged in the wake of the recent Australian bushfires. The committee members discussed possible solutions to tackle the issue and its ramifications on vulnerable people.

The Security Council debated maritime disputes in the South China Sea and emphasised the creation of artificial islands and military presence. The delegates did a phenomenal job of holding their ground in a crisis and came up with practical resolutions and responses to tackle the same.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees focussed on the agenda - Forced Labour and Human Trafficking with special emphasis on South East Asia. The committee discussed ways to end such horrific practices and their repercussions on marginalised people all over the globe.

The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women was a one-day committee with the agenda of enhancing the socio-political participation of women for their better security. The delegates discussed ways to empower women and increase their participation in governmental fora internationally.

The All India Political Parties Meet stressed the agrarian situation in India and the impact of the new farm laws on landless labourers and wage farmers. The level of debate in this committee was robust as the delegates presented their views and thoughts with precision.

The International Monetary Fund deliberated upon crypto currency and its impact on the global market. The delegates were highly enthusiastic and presented their opinions with intellectual rigour.

The International Press consisted of impartial journalists and creative caricaturists. As the fourth pillar of democracy, their presence at the MUN was crucial. The Indianite MUN newsletter showcases their admirable efforts.

The closing ceremony took place on 9 October 2021 in the gracious presence of the Chief Guest, Mr Kiri Atri, eminent peace, political and humanitarian worker. After the announcement of the results by the distinguished executive board members, the Secretary-General declared the Indianite MUN 2021 closed until its next session.

It was an honour for Team Indianite to host such a magnificent event. It eagerly looks forward to hosting more delegates next year.

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