
Dynamism of History Curriculum

History as opined by Cicero is " the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illumines reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life and brings us tidings of antiquity. But to meet global trends of democracy, importance is to be given to an individual rather than just the state, which has become the edifice on which history stands". Mr. Shatam Ray, a young expert of history, currently researching on architecture under the Scindias, visited us to interact with classes 10 and 11 and 12 (humanities). We instantly took to him as he was close in years to us and had also been a student of our vice principal, Tania ma'am. It also added to the attraction that he is an alumnus of St. Stephens College and a teacher at Doon School. He chose to chat with us about history curriculum that would be suited to rise to the global challenge of individual versus the state.
He seemed the right person to explain this evolution as he himself had been a student of the earlier curriculum, that of the 80s, taught by teachers, trained in the 50s and at present teaching the curriculum of the 21st century. He discussed how, post-independence, the need was felt to include the angles of patriotism, nationalism and unity and to also enforce the British exploitation of the Indian people and economy. In today's global order, he related, it is not just important to study the lives of leaders of the past, but also the lives of the common people and societies across eras and regions. Thus, reading about the dress codes, food habits, literature and records ( including printed material where applicable) of those times is of relevance. The new curriculum has been designed to enable the student to explore and arrive at independant opinion rather than merely identifying with that of another. During this interactive session, many students spontaneously offered observations and asked for clarifications. The session concluded in the belief that creativity and initiative comes from enabling students to 'participate' in learning, not just as receivers of a fixed body of knowledge. Ummang Sharma Bajpai, class 11 C.