
42nd Annual NPSC 2015- Education for Social Engagement and Responsibility

The 42nd Annual National Progressive Schools Conference 2015 was held at India International Centre on 19th and 20th February 2015. The conference witnessed the presence of over 300 principals and teacher-delegates of 150 NPSC schools. 8 new schools were inducted into the organisation this year. The seminar was attended by our Principal Ms. Tania Joshi accompanied by Ms. Neha Agrawal and Ms. Archana Raichandani.

Day 1-

The programme commenced with a welcome address by Chairperson, Ms. Ameeta Mulla Wattal who impressed upon the audience the importance of ensuring that education encourages knowledge and respect for other cultures, religions and ways of living.

Kkeynote speaker on the occasion Prof. Shyam B Menon, Vice-Chancellor, Dr B.R Ambedkar University, emphasised the growing social engagement and reconnection of the urban middle class with the political process, in a more conscious and reflective manner. According to him, social entrepreneurship and the prioritisation of educational aspirations of the middle class is the much required change.

Padma Bhushan Mr. Shekhar Gupta, chief guest expressed his concern about students transition from being sensitised human beings to being self-centred and materialistic individuals. He supported the governments suggestion of private schools mentoring the government ones so that a child enjoys the same learning across India. In his opinion, India is becoming hyper-connected before getting thoroughly educated.

Mr. Suraj Prakash, former Principal CRPF School was presented the Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his contribution to the field of education.

The first session of the morning focused on Cinema as an agent for celebrating diversity.Eminent film personality Mr. Rahul Bose called cinema and society, siblings. He illustrated beautifully, the diversity showcased by cinema. The question-answer session established cinema as a medium and co-partner in sensitising our society. He expressed a keen desire for more child-centric movies.

The second session was on the topic- Education for Peace. Speaker, Dr. Meenakshi Gopinath, Founder and Honorary Director WISCOMP talked about the necessity of learning from our conflicts, understanding their causes and then collectively bringing aboutchange to make a boundary-less world.

Post Lunch, the session commenced with an enthralling contemporary dance by Mr. Bharat Sharma, Director, Bhoomika Creative Dance Centre. The days proceedings concluded with a panel discussion on Education for the childs world of curiosity and imagination.

The panellists consisted of Mr. Amir Raza Hussain, Director, Stage Door Theatre Company, Ms. Rama Vaidyanathan, Bharatnatyam exponent, Dr. Amit Sen, Child and Adolescent psychiatrist and Dr. Vinnie Jauhari, Director- Education Advocacy, Microsoft Corporation India Pvt. Ltd. They unanimously agreed on the need to empower our students and to light a spark of curiosity in them. This, they insisted would enable our youth to contribute towards society in a more meaningful manner. They also laid emphasis on capitalising on our resources as teachers in the best possible way to ignite the thinking power within a child. It is imperative that we do not restrict ourselves to conventional ways of teaching.

Day 2-

The day began with a panel discussion on Education for Public life and Social Responsibility.

The panelists comprised of Dr. Mahesh Rangarajan, Director Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Prof. Zoya Hasan, School Of Social Sciences, JNU, Ms. Namita Gokhale, Co-Director, Jaipur Literary Festival and Ms. Seema Chisti, Associate Editor, The Indian Express. According to them, the true meaning of public life lies in doing something for society. Dr. Karan Singh spoke about the four pillars of learning: Learning to know, Learning to do, Learning to live together and Learning to be.

This session was followed by a talk on Education for a diverse milieu. Speaker Prof. Shiv Visvanathan, Professor and Vice Dean, Centre for the study of Science, Society and Sustainability highlighted the need to celebrate every language and inculcate diversity by teaching. According to him, the books and illustrations used in our classrooms must promote dreams, creativity and the beauty of re-invention.

The panellist for the next discussion on Education towards a social conscience were Dr. Kamla Bhasin, Advisor SANGAT and social scientist, Major Maroof Raza, Consultant and Strategic Affairs Advisor- Times Now, Major Ian Cardozo, AVSM and Ms.Ranjita Menon, Programme Director, Environment Education. The key ideas that emerged were the need to remove the prevailing patriarchy in our society and to promote equal opportunities for all. All teachers should be empowered to handle children with special needs, they said.

The post-lunch session was Sufiana Kalam, a musical extravaganza by Mr. Dhruv Sangari.

The two day conference was aptly summed up by Mr.Ashok Pandey, Principal Ahlcon International School. The vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Neeraj K. Bedhotiya, Jt.Secretary, NPSC.

Ms. Neha Agrawal, Ms. Archana Raichandani.