
A visit to the National Science Museum , class 4.

The National Science Centre Museum is located in Pragati Maidan. The museum, one of the largest science centres in the country, was set up to tempt children to explore science by making it fun. It consists of an array of working, science models, which can be operated by the little visitors themselves. These are intended to make the children comprehend in a hands'-on way, the basic principles of how things work.

Infact as we found a visit to the National Science Centre is one of the best ways to arouse curiosity in the minds of children .

Numerous scientific instruments were on display in the museum. Divided into a number of galleries, each gallery is dedicated to a distinctive theme and contains several exhibits, which are based on the different scientific laws and theories. Students start to learn about as they witness practical demonstrations.

The most intriguing models are those exhibited in the Human Biology Gallery. Another popular gallery is the Dinosaur Gallery. The students of class IV visited the Museum on 31st July 2014 as an educational excursion. The weather was very hot but it was no deterrent for the children. The students reached the museum by10.30 am.

To start with the children were briefed about venue by one of the officials there. Then we were shown a wireless piano which worked by vibration. Then we were led past an installation which displayed how water can be conserved by rain water harvesting. The water cycle was explained beautifully.

We then proceeded to a hall where scientific tricks/ games were available for the children to try for themselves. We had many young volunteers wanting to try a hand at one or the other.

Later, we were ushered to a section which contained models explaining the evolution of man. Also models of a variety of species displayed in a mock natural habitat. The children excitedly pointed to what they recognised.

The children returned reluctantly after an invigorating morning edutainment! They repeatedly asked their teachers when they could return.

Compiled by Ms. Abha Mishra.