
Annual Exhibition on the occasion of Independence Day, 12 August'17.

The Annual Exhibition was held at our school on 12th August, 2017. It is customarily organised every year with a view to encourage and inculcate a scientific temper, showcase the students skills and lend them a platform to display and speak about the same. As per tradition, the students showcased their talents in Science, Mathematics, the Languages and the Social Sciences.

The day began with the unfurling of the national flag by our Chairman, Mr. Goradia, Vice-Chairperson- Dr. Mrs. Nayana Goradia and our Principal Ms. Tania Joshi. The School choir sang the national anthem and Vande Mataram.

This year our focus at the exhibition was Disaster Management'. Anticipating the possibility of the various types of disasters can lead to a reduction in the vulnerability of the community to such an event. On display were models, hand crafted by the students, demonstrating how science can better predict these occurrences and devise measures like monitoring networks and early warning systems to minimise their impact. The students sought to highlight the investment of human and social capital, modern communications, infrastructure and sustainable development to ensure a high quality of life, wisely using natural resources through participatory action.

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The Exhibition opened for parents at 8:30 am. It saw the attendance of a large number of parents who appeared to enjoy and appreciate the projects displayed. This year the layout was a little different from earlier years. The auditorium was the venue for the Science, Math and Social Science projects. The first floor was the venue for the holiday homework projects of classes I to V. Beautiful projects relating to the theme of our School this year i.e. Africa were exhibited and explained by the students with confidence. Science Department

Some of the projects relating to the theme of the exhibition were Tsunami ( their generation, after-effects and prevention), earthquake-resistant buildings (using springs at the base and depicting how the effects of earthquakes are dependent on the shape of the buildings), etc. Chemical testing of lead and mercury in food items, fish and cosmetics caught the attention of many. Working models of the air purifier, fire extinguisher, testing leakage of gas from LPG cylinder and other such interesting models were also demonstrated.

Some other innovative projects on display were 'Blind vision', sound acoustics (preventing echo in big auditoriums), the wireless transmitter, the Tesla coil and so on.

Innovative games based on concepts of Physics like refraction and completions of circuit were also displayed.

Students of classes IX-XII added working models relating to Antibiotic resistance, Drug delivery by Nanotechnology, RNAi, etc. The students acquired rich experience in learning innovative methods in the field of biomedicine. All these were greatly appreciated by the visitors.

Students of class IX showcased the virtual structure of the Cell. This was indeed the centre of attraction of many viewers and students! A Bio surveillance working model was displayed by class XI students indicating a thorough research behind the successful presentation. A few students of class XI presented writing their own manuscript and documenting research. Students were guided and encouraged this year to adopt more research based activities like this for a thorough understanding. A model on the structure of the Zika virus was another project which attracted attention as it revealed the condition of countries suffering from different kinds of viruses. Hydroponics' and Aquaponics' models were presented by class X and were very impressive. Last but not the least, Class XII presented a working model on the Detection of Tuberculosis at primary levels, with the use of sensors. An air- show displaying drones, chuck gliders and parachutes held in the skating rink depicted the use of these in rescue operations during disasters. Mathematics Department

Exhibits of the primary section displayed mathematical tricks, the use of Roman numbers in Board games, Dart games and Badge making. The exhibits demonstrated Tessellations and the Stone Hedge model through math.

Taking the theme further, the middle wing showcased the Mathematical maze, String Art, Book design and Polyhedron steamers.

The senior classes focused on using Math in Disaster Management using Inverse Trigonometry and the Application of Derivatives. They also displayed the use of Math in Photography. This was very well received by the parents! Properties of moving quadrilaterals, the Golden Quadrilateral and the use of Math in Art, Music and Architecture were also displayed. The highlight was a Rangoli made of Origami- Geometry and viewers looked awestruck by it as they walked by.

Mathematical movies discussing Math in Music, Art and other aspects were showcased too.

Social Science Department

Class 6 students displayed things made on their own like Artifical Satellites and frames displaying Unity in diversity. Class 7 showcased Nobele huts depicting African culture and the 3D River Basins of African rivers. Class 9 students exhibited models of African leaders and of natural disasters like landslides and earthquakes and the new GST tax system. Class 12 students displayed projects on Mughal paintings, the Indus Valley Civilisation and the Mahabharata.

To make the section interactive, students held quizzes on national and global Disasters as well as natural and manmade disasters.

Fashion studies

The fashion studies' display was very popular. Students of classes 11-12 put up some very creative handmade tie-and-dye dupattas, dream catchers, diaries, earrings, scarves, festive paper bags, home decor items, lip balms, photo frames, etc. A styling section was also included where willing visitors were offered tips on dressing up and the use accessories according to the body type and complexion.


The Languages' department comprising English, Hindi, Sanskrit and French displayed the students holiday homework. The displays included book reviews, book covers, summaries of novels read during the summer break, autobiographies of famous writers and critical analyses of books prescribed by the teachers. A group of students of class VI recited Roald Dahls poetry. In fact one student acted as Roald Dahl and spoke extensively about his work.

Students studying French spoke of the French Revolution and showcased a short presentation of the same. A few students of classes VIII and IX recited poems of renowned Indian poets.

The exhibition was a thumping success and attracted a large number of parents. They were impressed with the effort and lauded the efforts of School and the students. The annual exhibition involved almost every student in one way or the other.

Indeed the annual exhibition was a fitting offering of our young students to the precious Independence that our freedom fighter gave their lives for. Freedoms from economic compulsions by breaking barriers of science and society, is what we must seek. And this could have scarcely been showcased better than what we saw at this exhibition!

We look forward now to the next one in 2018.

Ms. Suhina Roshangar.