
Annual Science Exhibition

The Annual Science Exhibition on 21 August 2014, customarily focused on ingraining a scientific and creative attitude in young students to make them comprehend the interdependence of science, technology and society, with hands on experience. Skillfully woven into the exhibits was the theme of Space Exploration inspired by our students' visit to NASA, in the US this summer. Spectacular displays of functional models, informative diagrams and charts, with live demonstrations showcased the scientific temper of our young scientists. It was a surreal experience as students embarked on a mission to unravel the mysteries of science even as they celebrated the richness of the Indian culture and heritage of the states along the west coast of India. Thus, they wondrously wove Science, Mathematics, Social Science and the languages, into a single colourful canopy. Dr. Gautam Shroff, eminent scientist and member of the Managing Committee, The Indian School, welcomed the chief guest, padm Vibhushan Dr. Rajagopala Chidambaram , Principal Scientific Adviser to the PM. Dr. Chidambaram in his presentation focused on Science, Development and Nuclear Energy, great Indian scientists and their contributions, critical technologies for India today, Indias International Scientific Co-operation and how Nuclear Science and Science is being harnessed for the benefit of the common man. He stressed that much science is available in India and it needs talented young people with an appetite for risk-taking led by able leaders to grow as a knowledge-driven economy.

[gallery] According to Dr. Chidambaram, two of the greatest challenges of the 21st Century are-to satisfy energy demands and to mitigate the threat of climate change..To check climate change we have to focus on nuclear and renewable technologies, while Indias per capita consumption of energy needs to go up by 6 to 8 times before it can become a developed and strong economy. He lauded our Schools effort at conserving our natural resources by being 10 percent Solar-Powered and thereby cutting down the carbon levels in the atmosphere by 16 tons annually. He released the science magazine Science Musings by an Indianite", proudly produced entirely by a student editorial board. A commemorative coffee mug was also released to felicitate our class 12 board toppers.