
Birla Model United Nations' Conference 2015

The students of our School had the opportunity to participate in the Birla Model United Nations' Conference 2015 held at Birla Vidya Niketan, Saket, from 6th to 8th November, 2015. Students from schools around the country send their representatives to attend the conference.

The students represented delegates from countries around the world. The delegates came equipped with information on the foreign policies of the countries they represented. There were seven committees - the UN General Assembly, the UN Human Rights' Council, the UN Security Council, the UN Economic and Social Council, the Non- Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, the FIFA and the All India Political Party Meet. Each committee had its own special agenda. For instance, the agenda of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC) was Currency Wars, with Special Emphasis on De-dollarisation.

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The conference lasted three days. Several issues were put forward. Each issue was keenly contested and discussed threadbare. Finally, resolutions were passed that were either accepted or rejected by the delegates concerned. It was an exciting session with abundant robust arguments offered by the delegates in support or against the issue in question.

On the third day, the delegates proceeded to the closing ceremony. After an inspirating speech from the Secretary General, the award distribution ceremony commenced. From The Indian School, Ritwik Arora of XI-C won the High Commendation award for his representation of Omar Abdullah at the All India Political Party Meet ( AIPPM) and Pratishtha Kohli of class XI-C took the Special Mention award at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, as delegate from Brazil. Feedback was taken from delegates of each of the committees.

The overall response suggested that some of the debaters outshone the rest by their skills at articulation and at assembling inputs to build their case. It was a great learning experience for us and we look forward to many more such opportunities.

Arham Mehta ( IX E) and Sarim Hussain ( IX B).